Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Order up

Well, I've managed to procure a few items off of eBay in order to start my kroot mercenary army with. I got the Anghkor Prok model that is going to be used as my master shaper and I probably won't do any conversion to that simply because I love that model and don't want to ruin it. I've also managed to get 2 complete boxes in addition to 12 other kroot on sprues all for half price (yay eBay). At the moment here is how things are going to work. Out of each of the two boxes, 14 shall be kroot carnivores, 1 shall be a kroot shaper, and 1 shall become a member of the shaper council. Of the other 12, 9 shall become hunter kindred, 1 shall become a shaper, and 2 shall become members of the shaper council. That leaves me with a master shaper, a shaper council of 4, 2 units of carnivores 15 strong each, and a 10 strong unit of hunter kindred. That's all for now...and oh...hounds are expensive. I mean, seriously. I need at least 8 of them just for my shaper council which would be $40! I might as well buy another box of kroot for that. GW should really come out with some plastic ones for Apocalypse or something.

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