Wednesday, September 26, 2007

There's a new Colonel in town...

Introducing, the Colonel. Constantly seeking revenge for his ancestors slaughtered by a man of the same name who founded the infamous KFC. Ok, in all seriousness, this guy was a pain to build, a pain to paint, but looks great in my opinion. Oh? What's that? You think it was a waste of time and looks like crap? *objector incinerated by twin streams of fire* Anyone else? Ok, so all the bitz used...Tornado Heavy Flamer (which I now think is meant to go on a dreadnought or something), Orlock Flamer Backpack, Dark Elf Dark Riders Command Sword, Kroot Carnivore Sprue, a piece of paper clip to make the support for the gun (the strap), a piece of paper clip to make the hose that attaches the pack to the flamer, and a TON of greenstuff. I mean, there's greenstuff everywhere on this thing. The hilt of the sword is a piece of paper clip wrapped in greenstuff and molded, the strap from his shoulder to the gun is a piece of paper clip covered in greenstuff, the hose is a piece of paper clip covered in greenstuff and molded, the backpack is held on by greenstuff, the left arm is held on basically by greenstuff because of a HUGE gap formed when I made that arm hold the flamer, the half-sheath for the sword is greenstuff, the part of the cape that makes his clothing look like one piece instead of a cape tied on is greenstuff. I think I used nearly a half a stick of greenstuff on this guy, but in my opinion, it payed off. Oh...and all those nice little details and cool looking things I made on him seemed like a good idea, but apparently I forgot that I would have to paint him eventually and brushes don't magically bend the way you want them too. >.<

Monday, September 24, 2007

Flamer Shaper!

Well, there he is. He's still blurry as usual, but it's cool in person! Ok, so, problems with this conversion. The arms fitting to the gun; resolved with filing and greenstuff. Weight of gun makes it impossible for arms to hold; resolved by taking a paper clip and attaching it from the shoulder to the gun which was then covered in greenstuff and made to look like a strap of cloth or leather. Backpack not connecting to flamer; resolved by bending a paper clip to the desired shape, covering it in greenstuff, and then notching it with an xacto knife. Sword having a hand on it, while model isn't going to hold it; resolved by cutting the pommel and sword off, attaching them with a paper clip, covering that in greenstuff and notching it for a grip, then taking a strip of greenstuff and wrapping it around the top of the blade for a partial sheath. Balance off; resolved by gluing a nickel to the bottom.

So then, this was actually the hardest conversion I've ever done because of all of the plastic-metal joins and the greenstuff sculpting that I had to do. In all, it was a pain to do but it looks cool to me right now. Ah well, I'm sure that it will be better after it's painted.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Painted Shaper

Well, here's my shaper. The pictures are low quality as usual because I haven't figure out an appropriate method for taking them. Yes, he's a different shade of grey than the last one, and yes it's on purpose. I don't want my army to be a giant grey blob so I'm going to make it a multi-shaded giant grey blob! ....with giant chainsaws. Well, the pictures really don't do him justice however, he does need some highlighting...I just haven't decided how to go about doing that yet.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shaper pics, FOR REAL!

BEHOLD! My glorious Shaper in all of his awesomeness! He is equipped with an Eviscerator (in his hands), grenades (left side), a sawed-off Kroot rifle (back), a pistol (right side) and a charm! He comes fully ready to kick butt and lead his men in the hunt for more DNA! Alright, now to just paint more than the base coat. Oh, by the way, plastic to metal joins SUCK!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Shaper Pics

Well, I'd like to have a bunch of pics of my shaper here but unfortunately the chainsword isn't cooperating and even though it had 5 hours to sit and dry, when I let it stand for 3 minutes to take the pictures of it the sword started to fall. Then, the pictures were so blurry you couldn't even tell what it was other than a grey thing. Ugh...I'll have to figure something out.

The bitz came!

Alright, so I'm a little mad that the little envelope that my bitz came in cost $7 to ship but oh well. The bitz came and I've already got one eviscerator drying as we speak. Unfortunatly, I can't get to work on my shaper council because I left the sprues at home. Now then, something else has been settled as well and I ma glad it has. I had spoken to a few friends about how Miniwarhouse on eBay had basically stolen my money when I ordered 12 kroot from them nearly a month ago. Finally though, things have been settled and I am happy to say that not only am I getting what I ordered, I'm getting my money back, and I'm getting another 12 kroot for free. I thought this was a bit excessive and told them so but they insisted. I am now happy to say that there was just a glitch in communication and that now I have no problem with them.

Expect another pic today of the Shaper with eviscerator!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I actually got one painted!

Ok, so I looked for the one with the most mold lines left to paint today because it was just a test of my color scheme. Honestly, I had no idea what color it was going to be but I ended up with what you see above. The pictures are really bright for some reason even though there was no flash and they're a bit blurry, but I hope that they're good enough.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Good news...and Bad News

Ok, I got Angkhor Prok and my two boxes of kroot (still waiting on the other 12...I'll give the guy to Wednesday before I tell eBay he didn't ship). I managed to build one box of carnivores and nearly finish a shaper. All I'm missing is the chain bit to make the eviscerator and that's on it's way. However, I remembered to bring my finished kroot with me to college but I forgot to bring the other unfinished box. So, it's going to be another 2 weeks before I can get that box to build some vicious kroot (aka my version of kroot hounds). I suppose that this does give me some time to paint my already completed kroot though so I'll look at it like a blessing in if I could only come up with a paint scheme!

As for the shaper council (that would be built this week if I had my other sprues >.<) I have decided to do this. Three will be built with eviscerators, while the other two will have flamers and power weapons. This is because 1. flamers are great when you're assaulting large groups with few guys, and 2. the rules for kroot equipment state you can either have 2 single-handed weapons or 1 single-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon. Thus, I can't have a guy with a flamer and an eviscerator. I'll be using the tornado heavy flamer to show my flamers combined with the Necromundo Orlock flamer backpack cause it looks more orky and since knowledge is passed down by orks through DNA and kroot eat orks, it's krooty. I'm also using the warmaster dark elf dark riders command sword for the power was $0.75 and looked cool...what? For the eviscerators I'm simply taking a kroot rifle, chopping of the end part, and then gluing the sword part of the imperial missionary chain sword on to the end. Once my bits come I'll start uploading some pics.